Nicaragua Old History

Nicaragua Old History

Discovered by Columbus in the 4th voyage (1502), from 1522 it was crossed by Gil Gonzales de Avila, who left from the Gulf of Panama. He discovered the Cocibolca Lake, which he called Mar Dulce, today known as the Lake of Nicaragua. In 1524 the governor of Castile d’Oro, Pedrarias d’Avila, sent Hernandez de Cordoba […]

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Architecture in Nicaragua

Architecture in Nicaragua

Colonial architecture was first erected in the cities of León and Granada. It was mainly influenced by Spanish Baroque, with elements of gothic, renaissance, plateau and mudejar, but little remains from the earliest times. Noteworthy is the Baroque architecture of the late 1600s and early 1700s, which often have mudejar elements. Among the churches of […]

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Music in Nicaragua

Music in Nicaragua

The music in Nicaragua has roots both in the indigenous population, as well as the influence of European, especially Spanish music during the colonial era, and African music from the slave trade. The oldest records we have of music in this area are the portrayal of the Spanish historian Gonzalo Fernándes de Oviedo (1478–1557) of […]

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Nicaragua History

Archaeological finds show that Nicaragua has been inhabited for 20,000-30,000 years. By the end of the 15th century, Nicaragua was populated by many different ethnic groups, and Spanish officials estimated that the population was around 600,000 at the Spanish conquest. Kristoffer Columbus reached the east coast of Nicaragua on his fourth voyage in 1502, and […]

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Daniel Ortega

Nicaragua State and Politics

Nicaragua is a democratic republic with a multi-party system. The country has 15 administrative regions (departamentos) and two autonomous regions which in turn are divided into a total of 153 municipalities. The National Assembly (Asamblea Nacional) has 92 representatives who sit for five years at a time. There are presidential elections every five years, next […]

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Coffee beans


Nicaragua is a republic in Central America, bordering Honduras in the north and Costa Rica in the south, and has coasts both to the Pacific and the Caribbean. The islands of Islas de Maiz (Corn Islands), Cayos Miskitos and Cayos Perlas in the Caribbean belong to Nicaragua. The capital is Managua. Nicaragua was a Spanish […]

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Geography of Nicaragua

Geography of Nicaragua

Geologically, Nicaragua consists of tertiary sediments and lavas, with older granite masses in the north and northeast. In the southwest, the wide Nicaraguan depression extends throughout the country. Here are the great lakes Lago de Nicaragua and Lago de Managua (32 and 47 meters) in a smooth plain, separated from the Pacific by an oak […]

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The play El Güegüense

Literature of Nicaragua

Nicaragua’s literature has a rich and distinctive tradition dating back to colonial times. The great poet chief is the poet Rubén Darío, and his position has had an impact on the central position of lyric in Nicaragua’s cultural life. There is a lot of political involvement among Nicaraguan writers. Nicaraguan literary texts largely address political […]

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pre-Columbian god sculpture

Arts and Crafts in Nicaragua

Art in Nicaragua Early colonial art from the 16th-17th centuries was strongly associated with the Roman Catholic Church. Immigrant artists from Spain, Mexico, Guatemala and Quito mainly made religious art, while anonymous local artists and craftsmen made so-called mestiso art, especially known through sculptures and silver works performed in the 17th and 18th centuries. The […]

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